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Sort objects based on the creation date of their children

I am creating a basic forum in rails. I have a Forum that has many Threads, and the Threads have many Posts. I want to get all the Threads for a particular forum and order them in such a way that the first one is the Thread that has had the latest Post.

In my Post's repository I have a method that will return the latest post.

 def latest_post
    order('created_at DESC').limit(1).first

In the Threads class I have a method call latest_post that returns the latest post

 def latest_post

I use that method in the following way in order to get the latest post for a thread.


Now I want to get the ordered list of threads. I tried to add a default scope to the Thread class in order to order them by default.

default_scope order('latest_post.created_at DESC')

This did not work. I believe due to the fact that the latest_post part of the ordering is not at a database level.

How can I order the Threads based on the creation date of their latest post. It does not need to be a default ordering.


  • Alternative answer:

    I added a last_post_at column to the Thread table. When a new post is created it updates this value.

    I was then able to set the default scope ordering.

     default_scope order('last_post_at DESC')

    Advantage: Do not need to load all the posts when creating the ordered list of Threads for a forum. Disadvantage: Maintaining another column on the Thread model.