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Django FormWizard infinite loop

I use Django 1.4.8

I am able to dynamically change the form from a choice made on the previous step, but now I need to be more accurate.

Effectively, in my form "step 0", I have a dropdown from where I select a value, then at step 2, I need to load the same data as "step 0" without the selected value at step 0.

I did it like this : :

# wizard

def get_form(self, step=None, data=None, files=None):
        change the form instance dynamically from the data we entered
        at the previous step
    if step is None:
        step = self.steps.current

    if step == '1':

        prev_data = self.get_cleaned_data_for_step('0')
        service_name = str(prev_data['provider']).split('Service')[1]
        class_name = 'th_' + service_name.lower() + '.forms'
        form_name = service_name + 'ProviderForm'
        form_class = class_for_name(class_name, form_name)
        form = form_class(data)

    elif step == '2':
        data = self.get_cleaned_data_for_step('0')
        form = ConsummerForm(initial={'provider': data['provider']})

        # EDIT 10/16 @ 10:00 
        # to track what's wrong I added 
        print form['consummer'].errors #return nothing 
        print form.is_valid() #return false
        print "form.non_field_errors ", form.non_field_errors() #return nothing

    elif step == '3':

        prev_data = self.get_cleaned_data_for_step('2')
        service_name = str(prev_data['consummer']).split('Service')[1]
        class_name = 'th_' + service_name.lower() + '.forms'
        form_name = service_name + 'ConsummerForm'
        form_class = class_for_name(class_name, form_name)
        form = form_class(data)

        form = super(UserServiceWizard, self).get_form(step, data, files)

    return form

my forms is :

class ServiceChoiceForm(forms.Form):

    def activated_services(self, provider=None):
        get the activated services added from the administrator
        services = ServicesActivated.objects.filter(status=1)

        choices = []
        datas = ()

        if provider is not None:
            services = services.exclude(name__exact=provider)

        for class_name in services:
            datas = (class_name,'Service', 1)[1])

        return choices

class ProviderForm(ServiceChoiceForm):

    provider = forms.ChoiceField()

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(ProviderForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.fields['provider'].choices = self.activated_services()

class ConsummerForm(ServiceChoiceForm):

    consummer = forms.ChoiceField()

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(ConsummerForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # get the list of service without the one selected in
        # the provider form
        self.fields['consummer'].choices = self.activated_services(

Now what's happened :

when I'm on the form "step 2" and submit the data... I return to "step 2" indefinitely

If I dont put the part of elif step == '2' in the get_form() and put the same code in the form form the ConsummerForm :

self.fields['consummer'].choices = self.activated_services()

then the process continues but it's not what I want :(

last things "= I notice that the get_form() is called too many times after the "step 0" : in fact 4 times . I tracked that with a print form,step in get_form() but the form is never the expected one.

If anyone can explain my how I can fix the behavior of the infite loop in the wizard ; i would appreciate a lot ;)


  • I found the solution :

    at step 2 I have to do this

        elif step == '2':
            step0_data = self.get_cleaned_data_for_step('0')
            form = ConsummerForm(
                data, initial={'provider': step0_data['provider']})

    instead of

        elif step == '2':
            data = self.get_cleaned_data_for_step('0')
            form = ConsummerForm(initial={'provider': data['provider']})

    because In the 1rst I didnt overwrite the "data" dict like i did by accident in 2nd piece of code...

    now everything works GREAT !