I have a list of CompositePresentationEvent like below:
var composEvents = new List<Type>
typeof (GetWorkflowAnalysisDealLevelViewDataCompletedEvent),
typeof (NoDataReturnedEvent),
typeof (WorkflowDLVVisibilitiesChangedEvent),
typeof (RetrieveWorkflowDLVDataForExport),
typeof (LoadDLVTemplateEvent),
typeof (SaveDLVTemplateEvent),
typeof (PublishScreenCompositionEvent)
Previously I would create my events and subscribe to them using the below:
var evt1 = _eventAggregator.GetEvent<NoDataReturnedEvent>();
However I want to be able to do the above in a loop for each of the items in the list but when I try the following it won't work giving a "cannot resolve symbol cEvent":
foreach (var cEvent in composEvents)
var tmpEvt = _eventAggregator.GetEvent<cEvent>();
Can someone please show me an elegant way to achieve this?
I think this would help pretty much using Reflection
. Use reflection also to invoke subscribe method :
object myEvent = typeof(EventAggregator)