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How does one use a selected value on a drop down list when some value come back as null?

Objective: To have drop down list select a specific value based on some data on a data table

Issue: Some of the data on the datatable does not have a value and this results in an out of range exception the code is as follows

dtMyDataTable = objMyObject.MyStoredProcedure();

if(dtMyDataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
   ddlMyDropDownList = dtMyDataTable.Rows[0]["OptionalField"].ToString();

Thank you in advance for any comments, suggestions or recommendations.


  • For anyone interested this is how I resolved my issue:

           if (dtMyTable.Rows[0]["OptionalField"] != null)
                    if (dtMyTable.Rows[0]["OptionalField"].ToString() == "")
                        ddlMyDropDownList .SelectedIndex = 0;
                        ddlMyDropDownList .SelectedValue = dtMyTable.Rows[0]["OptionalField"].ToString();