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Apache CXF WSDL Resolution

Using Apache CXF 2.7.7 if I publish a simple "HelloWorld" JAX-WS service and attempt to resolve the WSDL URL in a web browser using: "localhost:8080/service/HelloWorld?wsdl" the WSDL loads in the browser and everything looks great.

If I then add the below annotation which changes the SOAP Binding to 1.2 the WSDL resolution still works but the WSDL doesn't load in the browser, instead a download dialog is shown and the name of the WSDL is missing the file name extension in the download dialog (which is probably why it isn't loading in the browser).

The same behavior appears with the SOAP12HTTP_MTOM_BINDING (

Functionally everything works fine even with the BindingType annotation defined so this is just a minor annoyance but I'm wondering how I can get the correct WSDL resolution behavior when the default SOAP 1.1 binding is in use.


  • I posted this issue on the Apache CXF JIRA and it was acknowledged as a defect. It has been fixed and will be included with the Apache CXF 2.7.8 release.