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Balloon not showing up with NotifyIcon.ShowBalloonTip

I'm having trouble with something that I thought would be easy... I can't get my NotifyIcon to show a balloon tip. The basic code is:

public void ShowSystrayBubble(string msg, int ms)
  sysTrayIcon.Visible = true;
  sysTrayIcon.ShowBalloonTip(20, "Title", "Text", ToolTipIcon.None);

Nothing happens when I execute this code. I read that the timeout arg may be in seconds or ms, can't tell, so I tried both and neither works.

I'm using WinXP, .NET 3.5.


  • I had foiled myself... This turned out to be an issue at the OS level. I had previously disabled all balloons via the registry a few weeks ago.

    You can read the information here on how to disable balloon tips in WinXP:

    To enable them, just set the registry value to 1 instead and logon again/restart.