I'm working on a windows service in c# 4.0 which transform different file in image (tif and jpeg)
I have a problem when I want to convert a html file (usually an e-mail) in image.
I use WebBrowser
var browser = new WebBrowser();
browser.DocumentCompleted += this.BrowserDocumentCompleted;
browser.DocumentText = html;
and DrawToBitmap
var browser = sender as WebBrowser;
Rectangle body = new Rectangle(browser.Document.Body.ScrollRectangle.X * scaleFactor,
browser.Document.Body.ScrollRectangle.Y * scaleFactor,
browser.Document.Body.ScrollRectangle.Width * scaleFactor,
browser.Document.Body.ScrollRectangle.Height * scaleFactor);
browser.Height = body.Height;
Bitmap output = new Bitmap(body.Width, body.Height);
browser.DrawToBitmap(output, body);
It works fine for small or medium html, but with long html (like 22 000 height px or more) I have GDI exceptions on DrawToBitmap :
Invalid parameter
Not an image GDI+ valid
According to internet, this kind of error append because the image is too big.
My question: How can I convert html in X images (pagination) without generating the big image and cropping after, and if it's possible without using library?
Thank you in advance.
Edit: I found a tricky solution: surround the html with a div which is going to set the page and another for the offset, for example:
<div style="height:3000px; overflow:hidden">
<div style="margin-top:-3000px">
But this solution can crop on a line of text or in the middle of an image...
Thank you for your anwser Noseratio.
I founded a solution by using printing and a virtual printer to get image file.
Save the html in a file and remove all encoding :
html = Regex.Replace(html, "<meta[^>]*http-equiv=\"Content-Type\"[^>]*>", string.Empty, RegexOptions.Multiline);
using (var f = File.Create(filePath))
var bytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(html);
f.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
Run the print without show the webbrowser and printing popup :
const int OLECMDID_PRINT = 6;
dynamic ie = browser.ActiveXInstance;
I use PDFCreator for virtual printing and it keep me all files in a folder. It's not easy to get all of this file (know when printing is finish, how many files and when you can use them...) but it isn't the purpose of this post!