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Joomla 3 deleteList remove Images

I am currently overriding Joomla 3's deleteList like so:

public function delete(){
    if(!defined('DS')) define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
    $path = JPATH_ROOT;
    $path = JPath::clean($path. DS ."images". DS ."menu_slider". DS );

    foreach(glob($path.'*/penguins.*') as $image){
    return parent::delete();

In the item or items there's a image associated with them, so the database has the following:

id title image

So my question really is how would i get the image name assigned to the item or items when deleting?


  • Probably you're aware that controller triggers model method delete, then it load JTable which deletes the entry. My suggestion would be to extend JTable class with following method in /administrator/components/com_YourExtension/tables/YourTableFile.php :

    public function delete($pk = null)
        jimport( 'joomla.filesystem.file' );
        $path = JPath::clean(JPATH_ROOT . "/images/menu_slider/");
        if (JFile::exists($path . $this->image)
            JFile::delete($path . $this->image);
        return parent::delete($pk);