I try to show an image stored in a database. I wrote it with
$image = file_get_contents($testPfad);
$dateigroesse = filesize($testPfad);
$arrData = unpack("H*hex", $image);
$data_string = "0x".$arrData['hex'];
$sql = "INSERT INTO EHS.dbo.T_Signaturen (UnterschriftsDateiName,UnterschriftsBild,Dateigroesse,terminID) VALUES (
echo '<hr>'.$sql;
With this code I output the image.
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
$query = "SELECT Dateigroesse, CONVERT(varchar(max), UnterschriftsBild) as content_data FROM EHS.dbo.T_Signaturen WHERE ID = '10'";
$result = query($query);
$content = $result[1]["content_data"];
$filesize = $result[1]["Dateigroesse"];
$content = substr ($content, 2); // entfernt 0x
$content = pack("H*", $content);
print $content;
Everything works fine but only a part of the image is shown. I reduced the image size from 20kb to 2kb and much more is shown so I think ANYWHERE the binary data is cut. The Database Column is a varbinary(max)
Please let us not discuss wether it is rational to store blob in databases :) :)
The solution was to increase the max accepted string length of odbc in php.ini. It was set to 4069 chars