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SammyJS does not always fire route

I am currently developing on a small SPA using sammyjs + knockoutjs.

I have an index.html that contains the routing mechanism and a div with id 'main'.

In my sample that I reduced to the issue there is a page 1 and page 2 that loads an html page using partial. The particular html page has knockout bindings.

The problem: When I switch between the pages using a link the routing does not always fire. When reloading the page with the appropriate link it fires and loads without problems.

I tried to put it into a JSBin:,js,console,output

When you click on the links they should actually load some content from a remote html file (p1.html and p2.html) -- although this does not work with JSBin. Anyway. You see the call, that is not always fired, and the link on the console.

I also put an example on my server under . There you also find a link to the zip-file containing the whole example:

Anybody an idea? Do I misunderstand the concept of sammyjs oder is there a bug?

best, Tom


  • Why not harvest the power of knockout and let it render the #main div for you, now you mix knockout and jQuery.

    I've made a light weight SPA bootstrapper for KO, here is a demo project

    It takes handles the templates for you in convention over configuration way.

    edit: Wiki that shows how to set it up on any backend

    Basically you need to expose a REST service that returns the templates