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Multiple inheritance, inheriting an interface and an implementation

Is it possible inherit both an interface and an implementation mixin in the same class? Something like this:

class Interface
    virtual void method()=0;

class Component
    void method(){ /*do something*/};

class MyClass : public Interface, public Component

Interface* p = new MyClass(); p.method();

The idea being that the pure virtual function inherited from Interface is implemented in MyClass through its inheritance of Component. This doesn't compile; I need to to do this:

class MyClass : public Interface, public Component
    void method(){Component::method();} override

Is it possible to somehow avoid the explicit override and delegation to Component, perhaps by using templates somehow?


  • If you want to avoid the explicit override and delegation to the component, there is no way around inheriting some kind of Interface-derived class that does this binding, because what you want to call ahas to end up in your derived class's vtable.

    I guess you could make it work with a diamond-like inheritance structure and virtual inheritance, but it's not exactly pretty:

    class Interface
        virtual void method()=0;
    class Component: virtual public Interface
        virtual void method(){ /*do something*/};
    class MyClass : virtual public Interface, private Component
        using Component::method;

    Usual disclaimer: virtual inheritance is expensive

    I have tried to find something better using templates, but I don't think there's a way to bind the component method to the virtual method without having having either the component inherit from the interface, or having to write binding code by hand.