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Set property in a separate file

I have an XML file that is storing a GUID as a property and I would like to set this property value from another XML file. I noticed Msbuild might be able to do it. I figured out how to read this property, but I'm having trouble actually setting a value and saving the file.

Here is the code in my XML file that stores the GUID as a property (file name is

<Project xmlns="">  

Here is the code in my XML where I am trying to set the property for the GUID:

<!-- Create GUID for Installation -->
    <MSBuild.ExtensionPack.Framework.Guid TaskAction="Create">
    <Output TaskParameter="FormattedGuidString" PropertyName="GuidString" />

<!-- Set GUIDProperty in -->
    <MSBuild.ExtensionPack.Xml.XmlFile TaskAction="UpdateElement" File="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\" XPath="GUIDProperty" InnerText="$(GuidString)"/>

So, all I'm looking to do is set that GUID property in If there is an easier way without Msbuild, I'm all for that, but to me, it looked like I would probably need Msbuildextensionpack. I'm not extremely familiar with XML and Msbuild which is why I'm asking here.


  • I don't actually think you need msbuildextensionpack. You can do it just by using msbuild.


    <Project xmlns="" ToolsVersion="4.0">
    <Target Name="UpdateGuid">
        <XmlPoke Namespaces="&lt;Namespace Prefix='msb' Uri=''/&gt;"
                 Value="$(_newGuid)" />