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Compile an anonymous word in a compiled word

I'm currently working on a small interpreter written in Forth. For a small optimization, I'm trying to have a word which creates compiled words. For example, something which behaves like this:

: creator ( -- a )
    :noname ( u -- u )
        10 + ;

10 creator execute .
>> 20 ok

I tried several approaches so far and non worked (naïve like above, switching in interpretive mode, trying to compile a string of Forth source). Is this actually possible?


  • When you write compiling words, you have to be very careful about which words execute at compile time, and which execute at runtime. In this case, 10 + runs at compile time, and will not be compiled into you :noname definition.

    I believe this is what you want:

    : creator ( -- xt )   :noname ( n1 -- n2 )
       10 postpone literal  postpone +  postpone ; ;

    Also note that you may use CREATE DOES> in many cases. E.g. if you want your creator to accept a number which is used by the child word:

    : creator ( n1 "name" -- )   create ,
       does> ( n2 -- n1+n2 )   @ + ;