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RegExp to find command line arguments

i am workin on a terminal program to execute applications on remote machines. you can pass a command like in the windows cmd.exe like:

"C:\random Directory\" "validate" -r /c "C:\anotherDirectory"

to make that possible i have to deal with quoted text and parse the command and its arguments from that string. in notepad++ i found a RegExp to patch them (([^" \t\n]+)|("[^"]*"))+ and it works. in Qt4.8.1 i tried:

static const QRegExp re("(([^\" \\t\\n]+)|(\"[^\"]*\"))+");
re.matchExact(str); // str is something like shown above
qDebug() << re.capturedTexts();

and this code only prints me 3 times the "C:\random Directory\" and nothing more. it should print out every argument entered as a single object ...

what can i do to make it working?

SOLUTION: (thanks to Lindrian)

const QString testText = "\"C:\\random Directory\\\" \"validate\" -r /c \"C:\\anotherDirectory\"";
static const QRegExp re("([^\" \\t\\n]+|\"[^\"]*\")+");
int pos = 0;
while ((pos = re.indexIn(testText)) != -1) //-i indicates that nothing is found
    const int len = re.matchedLength();
    qDebug() << testText.mid(pos,len);
    pos += len;


  • FTFY: ([^" \t\n]+|"[^"]*")

    (You were just overusing backrefs)

    Make sure you're capturing all results.
