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How to print images and lines using an Epson DotMatrix Printer

I've tried to print out a table using a dotmatrix printer, it worked but the text quality was very bad. So I tried to print it using the simple FileWriter:

FileWriter out;
    out = new FileWriter("LPT1:");
catch (IOException ex) 

The problem is, I also want to print images and lines (to form a table). How do I do this without messing up the quality of the text.


  • Depending on the quality you expect, the most straight forward solution would be to use some ASCII pseudo graphics for the table.

    column 1 | column 2 | column 3
    value 11 | value 12 | value 13
    value 21 | value 22 | value 23
    value 31 | value 32 | value 33

    I case you expect to get solid lines for the table, you need to print everything in real graphics mode (instead of text mode of the printer). Therefore I would use JasperReports

    edit A piece of code to show the principal of using ESC/P printer control codes to switch on/off the underline text printing mode.

    final String UNDERLINE_ON = "\u001B\u002D\u0001";
    final String UNDERLINE_OFF = "\u001B\u002D\u0000";
    final String CRLF = "\r\n";
    out.write(UNDERLINE_ON + "column 1 | column 2 | column 3" + UNDERLINE_OFF + CRLF);
    out.write("value 11 | value 12 | value 13" + CRLF);
    out.write("value 21 | value 22 | value 23" + CRLF);
    out.write("value 31 | value 32 | value 33" + CRLF);

    edit: The mentioned document about ESC/P codes can be accessed for example via