We are a small computer science laboratory. We handle projects from very small (1 engineer) to average (10 engineers).
We need a version control tool, associated with a wiki and a bug-tracker. We have very few time and resources to spend in our system administration, but we want to have the control over it.
Until now we used Redmine with SVN and it works well, except we can't access our SVN repo from outside the laboratory for security reasons, so we would like to use a distributed version control tool to be able to keep working outside the lab.
By searching about how to set up Redmine and Git, I have heard about the Fossil project that seems to answers all our needs (sources, wiki and bug-tracker under distributed control) and seems to be easier to configure and administrate than Redmine+Git.
So I would like to have some advice from people that have administrated or used both redmine+git and fossil.
Thank you.
Fossil is the exact SCM for you, as described in the question. It needs close to zero administration and have all features you described you need for the work.
It has additional bonuses as well:
Very lightweight and need almost none of server resources (if at all - because it can work without a central server at all).
Extremely robust storage of the sources. Nothing can ruin the database even the power fail during the write operations.