Problem Definition:
I got an ExpandoObject that i need to convert to a Type like "Customer" Type, the problem is not achieving that, am wondering should i approach that server side or client side using javascript, i can achieve what i want both ways but which is more effective and less time consuming?
Server Side approach:
public IEnumerable<T> Convert<T>(dynamic self)
List<T> model = new List<T>();
var jsSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
foreach (var obj in self)
return model.AsEnumerable();
Client Side approach:
var model = [];
data.forEach(function (item) {
var property = [];
item.forEach(function (pair) {
property[pair.Key] = pair.Value;
Used ORM: Rob Conery's Massive
Original Response(No Conversion):
[[{ "Key": "ID", "Value": 2 }, { "Key": "customerID", "Value": 1 }, { "Key": "orderID", "Value": 1 }, { "Key": "address", "Value": "25 Ibrahim Nagy Street, NasrCity, Cairo" }, { "Key": "deliveryDateTime", "Value": "/Date(1381528800000)/" }, { "Key": "deliveryPersonnelID", "Value": 1 }], [{ "Key": "ID", "Value": 3 }, { "Key": "customerID", "Value": 2 }, { "Key": "orderID", "Value": 2 }, { "Key": "address", "Value": "14 Ibrahim Nagy Street, NasrCity, Cairo" }, { "Key": "deliveryDateTime", "Value": "/Date(1386972000000)/" }, { "Key": "deliveryPersonnelID", "Value": 2 }], [{ "Key": "ID", "Value": 4 }, { "Key": "customerID", "Value": 1 }, { "Key": "orderID", "Value": 3 }, { "Key": "address", "Value": "30 Abbas Akad Street, NasrCity, Cairo" }, { "Key": "deliveryDateTime", "Value": "/Date(1387922400000)/" }, { "Key": "deliveryPersonnelID", "Value": 2 }], [{ "Key": "ID", "Value": 5 }, { "Key": "customerID", "Value": 3 }, { "Key": "orderID", "Value": 4 }, { "Key": "address", "Value": "25 Hassan Maamoon Street, NasrCity, Cairo" }, { "Key": "deliveryDateTime", "Value": "/Date(1388354400000)/" }, { "Key": "deliveryPersonnelID", "Value": 3 }]]
I decided to do the conversion client side, i don't know it feels right to me, i mean let the client do some work and also it's not much of a hard work too, so why waste time server side?