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Dynamically get structure of a dynamic table

I want to dynamically get the structure of a dynamic table. Getting the table is no problem, but I stuck with getting the structure of the table.

DATA: lo_dynamic_table TYPE REF TO data.
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lt_table_structure> TYPE table,
                <ls_table_structure> TYPE any.

CREATE DATA lo_dynamic_table TYPE TABLE OF (lv_my_string_of_table).
ASSIGN lo_dynamic_table->* TO <lt_table_structure>.

// some code assigning the structure

Now I want to execute this command:

SELECT SINGLE * FROM (lv_my_string_of_table) INTO <ls_table_structure> WHERE (lv_dynamid_where_field).

If there is any other solution, I will be okay with that.


  • This code worked for my case:

    DATA:   table_name type string,
            lo_dynamic_table TYPE REF TO data,
            lo_dynamic_line TYPE REF TO data.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS:  <lt_table_structure> TYPE table,
                    <ls_table_structure> TYPE any.
    table_name = 'yourtablename'.
    CREATE DATA lo_dynamic_table TYPE TABLE OF (table_name).
    ASSIGN lo_dynamic_table->* TO <lt_table_structure>.
    CREATE DATA lo_dynamic_line LIKE LINE OF <lt_table_structure>.
    ASSIGN lo_dynamic_line->* TO <ls_table_structure>.