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Negative test case

This question is in continuation of me previous question at Positive test cases and negative test cases.

Suppose there is field which accepts only alphabets and suppose I write a test case which tests it by using alphabets only, then this is positive test case.

It is expected that if i enter any value other than alphabets then system will display error message "Only alphabets allowed!".

And If i check it with numeric values and it throws error message "Only alphabets allowed!" (as expected) then will this be a negative test case or the positive one?


  • Entering wrong input to fields is Negative test case. You write negative test cases and there could be two outcomes to it:

    1. Either this will work as expected, it means you will get error message and you will say test passed i.e. negative test passed

    2. Or it will break, means it will accept the input, in this case test has failed i.e. your negative test case has failed, this is a bug.