Does Visual Studio have an option to generate html documentation for Javadoc-style comments? If so, what steps are necessary to accomplish this?
In BlueJ there is an option to translate Javadoc-style comments into an html file.
Like the following picture shows for Java using BlueJ I want to do the same with Visual Studio :
Do you actually mean JavaDoc, in Java? If so, I don't believe so - just use javadoc itself. Visual Studio doesn't really support Java.
If you mean C# XML documentation comments, then you can change the project properties to build the XML file, and then use NDoc (discontinued) or Sandcastle to build HTML (or chm etc). It's not as easy as it might be, admittedly.
EDIT: If you're using C++, you should probably look at Doxygen. There may be Visual Studio plugins, but you may be best off just running Doxygen as part of your build process. If you're using C++/CLI there may be some equivalent of C# XML comments, but I don't know of it.