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WebGL: Adding textures causes DrawElements error (attribute buffers insufficient space)

I want to draw a 3d model (e.g. a house) from a model.json file. I have no problem drawing the house in a single color like blue. However, when I try to use textures instead of a color, I receive an error:

WebGL: DrawElements: bound vertex attribute buffers do not have sufficient size for given indices from the bound element array

I've searched the web, and tried hundreds of different alterations, and I simply can't get past this error - I'm not good enough at WebGL to see what's wrong. There is an images folder with multiple texture images, but at this point, if I can just draw one of the textures for the entire house, I'd be ecstatic.

The problem lies in renderable.js (attached) but you can access all files at Any help would be greatly appreciated, don't know where else to go.


    "use strict";
function RenderableModel(gl,model){
    function Drawable(attribLocations, vArrays, nVertices, indexArray, drawMode){
      // Create a buffer object
      var vertexBuffers=[];
      var nElements=[];
      var nAttributes = attribLocations.length;

      for (var i=0; i<nAttributes; i++){
          if (vArrays[i]){
              vertexBuffers[i] = gl.createBuffer();
              if (!vertexBuffers[i]) {
                console.log('Failed to create the buffer object');
                return null;
              // Bind the buffer object to an ARRAY_BUFFER target

              gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffers[i]);
              // Write date into the buffer object
              gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array(vArrays[i]), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
              // Texture coords must always be passed as last attribute location (a_Attribute)
              nElements[i] = (i == (nAttributes - 1))? 2: vArrays[i].length/nVertices;

      var indexBuffer=null;
      if (indexArray){
        indexBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
        gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexBuffer);
        gl.bufferData(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, new Uint16Array(indexArray), gl.STATIC_DRAW);

      var a_texture = createTexture("texture0.jpg");
      // Set the texture unit 0 to the sampler
      gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, a_texture);

      this.draw = function (){
        nElements[1] = 2;
        for (var i=0; i<nAttributes; i++){
          if (vertexBuffers[i]){
              // Bind the buffer object to target
              gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffers[i]);
              // Assign the buffer object to a_Position variable
              gl.vertexAttribPointer(attribLocations[i], nElements[i], gl.FLOAT, false, 24, 0);
              //console.log("Missing "+attribLocations[i])

        if (indexBuffer){
            gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexBuffer);
            gl.drawElements(drawMode, indexArray.length, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);
            gl.drawArrays(drawMode, 0, nVertices);

    // Vertex shader program
      'attribute vec2 textureCoord;\n' +    
      'attribute vec3 position;\n' +

      'uniform mat4 modelT, viewT, projT;\n'+

      //'varying vec4 v_Color;\n' +
      'varying highp vec2 vTextureCoord;\n' +
      'void main() {\n' +
      '  gl_Position = projT*viewT*modelT*vec4(position,1.0);\n' +
      //'  v_Color = vec4(0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n' +   // use instead of textures for now
      '  vTextureCoord = textureCoord;\n' +

    // Fragment shader program
      '#ifdef GL_ES\n' +
      'precision highp float;\n' +
      '#endif\n' +

      'uniform sampler2D uSampler;\n' +
      //'varying vec4 v_Color;\n' + // use instead of texture
      'varying highp vec2 vTextureCoord;\n' +
      'void main() {\n' +  
      // 'vec4 v_Color = vec4(texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord).rgb, 1.0);\n'+
      '  gl_FragColor = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);\n' +

    // create program
    var program = createProgram(gl, VSHADER_SOURCE, FSHADER_SOURCE);
    if (!program) {
        console.log('Failed to create program');
        return false;

    var a_Position = gl.getAttribLocation(program, 'position');       
    var a_TextureCoord = gl.getAttribLocation(program, 'textureCoord'); // for texture
    var a_Locations = [a_Position,a_TextureCoord];

    // Get the location/address of the uniform variable inside the shader program.
    var mmLoc = gl.getUniformLocation(program,"modelT");
    var vmLoc = gl.getUniformLocation(program,"viewT");
    var pmLoc = gl.getUniformLocation(program,"projT");
    // textures
    var textureLoc = gl.getUniformLocation(program,'uSampler');

    var drawables=[];
    var modelTransformations=[];
    var nDrawables=0;
    var nNodes = (model.nodes)? model.nodes.length:1;
    var drawMode=(model.drawMode)?gl[model.drawMode]:gl.TRIANGLES;

    for (var i= 0; i<nNodes; i++){
        var nMeshes = (model.nodes)?(model.nodes[i].meshIndices.length):(model.meshes.length);
        for (var j=0; j<nMeshes;j++){
            var index = (model.nodes)?model.nodes[i].meshIndices[j]:j;
            var mesh = model.meshes[index];
            drawables[nDrawables] = new Drawable(
                a_Locations,[mesh.vertexPositions, mesh.vertexTexCoordinates],
                mesh.indices, drawMode

            var m = new Matrix4();
            if (model.nodes)
                m.elements=new Float32Array(model.nodes[i].modelMatrix);
            modelTransformations[nDrawables] = m;

    // Get the location/address of the vertex attribute inside the shader program.
    this.draw = function (cameraPosition,pMatrix,vMatrix,mMatrix)
        gl.uniformMatrix4fv(pmLoc, false, pMatrix.elements);
        gl.uniformMatrix4fv(vmLoc, false, vMatrix.elements);
        gl.uniform1i(textureLoc, 0);

        // pass variables determined at runtime
        for (var i= 0; i<nDrawables; i++){
            // pass model matrix
            var mMatrix=modelTransformations[i];
            gl.uniformMatrix4fv(mmLoc, false, mMatrix.elements);                        

    this.getBounds=function() // Computes Model bounding box
        var xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax;
        var firstvertex = true;
        var nNodes = (model.nodes)?model.nodes.length:1;
        for (var k=0; k<nNodes; k++){
            var m = new Matrix4();
            if (model.nodes)m.elements=new Float32Array(model.nodes[k].modelMatrix);
            var nMeshes = (model.nodes)?model.nodes[k].meshIndices.length:model.meshes.length;
            for (var n = 0; n < nMeshes; n++){
                var index = (model.nodes)?model.nodes[k].meshIndices[n]:n;
                var mesh = model.meshes[index];
                for(var i=0;i<mesh.vertexPositions.length; i+=3){
                    var vertex = m.multiplyVector4(new Vector4([mesh.vertexPositions[i],mesh.vertexPositions[i+1],mesh.vertexPositions[i+2],1])).elements;
                    //if (i==0){
                    //  console.log([mesh.vertexPositions[i],mesh.vertexPositions[i+1],mesh.vertexPositions[i+2]]);
                    //  console.log([vertex[0], vertex[1], vertex[2]]);
                    if (firstvertex){
                        xmin = xmax = vertex[0];
                        ymin = ymax = vertex[1];
                        zmin = zmax = vertex[2];
                        firstvertex = false;
                        if (vertex[0] < xmin) xmin = vertex[0];
                        else if (vertex[0] > xmax) xmax = vertex[0];
                        if (vertex[1] < ymin) ymin = vertex[1];
                        else if (vertex[1] > ymax) ymax = vertex[1];
                        if (vertex[2] < zmin) zmin = vertex[2];
                        else if (vertex[2] > zmax) zmax = vertex[2];
        var dim= {};
        dim.min = [xmin,ymin,zmin];
        dim.max = [xmax,ymax,zmax];
        return dim;

    // Load texture image and create/return texture object
    function createTexture(imageFileName)
        var tex = gl.createTexture();
        var img = new Image();
        img.onload = function(){
            gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, tex);
            gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, img);
            gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, null);
        img.src = imageFileName;
        return tex;


  • The error means one of your indices is too large for the buffers you currently have attached.

    Example: Imagine you have a position buffer with 3 positions in it

     [0.123, 0.010, 0.233,
      0.423, 0.312, 0.344,
      0.933, 1.332, 0.101]

    Now imagine you make an index buffer

     [0, 1, 3]

    You've only got 3 positions so the only valid indices are 0, 1, and 2. 3 is out of range. That's the error your getting.

    Some possibilities:

    1. Your data could just be bad. Check your indices

    2. You drew a model with less vertices but more attributes, then drew a different model with more vertices but less attributes. You left the attributes for the previous model on while drawing the 2nd model.

    In other words

    // setup first model with only 3 vertices, both positions and colors.
    gl.bindBuffer(gl.BUFFER_ARRAY, bufferWith3Positions);
    gl.vertexAttribPointer(0, ....);
    gl.bindBuffer(gl.BUFFER_ARRAY, bufferWith3Colors);
    gl.vertexAttribPointer(1, ....);
    gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indicesForFirstModel);
    // setup first model with 6 vertices but no colors
    gl.bindBuffer(gl.BUFFER_ARRAY, bufferWith6Positions);
    gl.vertexAttribPointer(0, ....);
    gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indicesForSecondModel);

    You'll get an error because attrib #1 is still referencing bufferWith3Colors. You need to turn that attribute off.


    Note: That assumes the shader is still using attribute #1. If it's not you shouldn't get an error even if bufferWith3Colors is still attached to attribute #1.