I have a mysql table which stores a set of queries (strings).
The table with its contents looks like this :-
query_id queryString
1. Query 1
2. Query 2
3. Query 3
The results table which are somehow related to the above mentioned queries are stored in a different mysql table in the form shown
result_id query_id resultString
1. 1 Result 1
2. 1 Result 2
3. 2 Result 3
4. 2 Result 4
5. 2 Result 1
6. 3 Result 3
7. 3 Result 4
8. 3 Result 5
Clearly, the model above has redundancy, as I have to store Result 1 , Result 3 and Result 4 more than once. This redundancy further increases with increase in number of similar queries. So, lets say if I have to do some processing on the results query, I would have to do on several duplicate values.
In another alternative which I can think of is that I can store results uniquely in a table and store the results_id to which they refer along with the queries in the query table. But in that case, while reading results for a query, I would have to hit a number of mysql queries, one corresponding to every result_id that I have. So, that seems inefficient(w.r.t read) to me.
What other possible solutions could help me in removing redundancies with minimal increase in the read/write load ?
Please comment if I am unclear in asking my doubt.
Thanks !
It seems this is a N:N relationship between querys and resultstrings so :
You need for Querystrings like the one you already have. Create another table for resultstrings and create another one to link querystrings and resultstrings. Dont forget foreign keys.