I have a nested resource like the following: user/1/photos/new
resources :users, only: [] do
resources :photos, except: [:show]
My form_for is like the following:
= form_for([@user, @photo], html: { multipart: true }) do |f|
= f.file_field :attached_photo
= f.submit :submit
I believe the problem I am having is with strong parameters:
def photo_params
params.require(:photo).permit(:title, :attached_photo)
When I hit the submit button on the form I get the following error:
ActionController::ParameterMissing in PhotosController#create param not found: photo
I'm using Paperclip so in the model I have:
has_attached_file :attached_photo
Please advise.
If you want to make sure that a user uploads a photo when submitting this form, then you should add a validation on the Photo
model like so:
validates_attachment_presence :attached_photo
Then if the user does not upload a photo, the form will re-render telling the user to upload a photo.
You will also want to use this strong parameters code to make sure you do not have an error if the photo
param does not exist:
def photo_params
params.require(:photo).permit(:title, :attached_photo) if params[:photo]