I am using Ubuntu 13.04 and Eclipse Keplar.When I try to create a new Android application project the following message is displayed:
The selected wizard could not be started. Plug-in com.android.ide.eclipse.adt was unable to load class com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.internal.wizards.templates.NewProjectWizard. An error occurred while automatically activating bundle com.android.ide.eclipse.adt (241).
I cannot access the Window->Preferences->Android page,when I try the following message is displayed:
Unable to create the selected preference page. An error occured while automatically activating bundle.com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.
No updates for the ADT plugin or the Android SDK were found.
What should I do to restore the ADT plugin to good working order? Thanking You
Ran into this same problem today running a Windows 7 machine. It has been a while since this question has been asked, but having an answer here might prove useful since this thread is ranking highly on Google for the error message:
I found that cleaning all projects in Eclipse and restarting it once it was finished solved the issue and I was able to successfully create a new Android project afterwards.
Eclipse menu: Project >> Clean