Here is basically a simple code of double pointer and what I am trying to use:
int argsCount = 1;
char **cmdArgs1 = malloc((argsCount + 1)*sizeof(char*));
I want to input values into the cmdArgs1 and here is basically what I am doing and causing seg fault
for(counter = 0; counter < argsCount; counter++)
I'm thinking that I can't use "cmdArg1[counter]" to copy to "ls" because the double pointer doesn't work that way? I'm not sure...
Even I think it's a bit vague, but I don't know how to phrase the question well, I will try to update based on the comment. Thx!
Your cmdArgs1
is a pointer to a pointer, meaning that it is not enough to allocate space for the array itself. You need to allocate space for the individual arrays of characters (or for the individual C string).
You can do it in a separate call of malloc
for(counter = 0; counter < argsCount; counter++)
cmdArgs1[counter] = malloc(strlen("ls")+1); // +1 for null terminator
strcpy(cmdArgs1[counter], "ls");
or with strdup
for(counter = 0; counter < argsCount; counter++)
cmdArgs1[counter] = strdup("ls");
In both cases your program is liable for free
ing the elements of the array before free
ing the array itself:
for(counter = 0; counter < argsCount; counter++)