In change password page, we have this code, So if we want to change Password Policy into "StrongPolicy", have we a way or is it by default?
Also can we change it to weak policy ?
I read MSDN but couldn't find it.
Membership mu ;
var newPass= mu.ResetPassword();
By default the memebership provider in .net restricts you to have password of length 7(atleast) and of which one character must be alpha-numeric.
Although there many ways by which you can change that. You can check Changing password policy setting in membership provider.
Using minimum length and non-alphanumeric character
<membership ...>
<add minRequiredPasswordLength=10 minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters=2 .../>
Using regular expression
<membership ...>
<add passwordStrengthRegularExpression=
"^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,10}$" .../>
The above code is from the same site.