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What can be reasons for `Error in .local(conn, statement, ...)´ in dbWriteTable from package MonetDB.R?

I get the error, after I set up MonetDB and try to write a large data.frame as a new table in the default database (demo):

>dbWriteTable(conn, "table1", df)
Error in .local(conn, statement, ...) : 
   Unable to execute statement 'INSERT INTO table1 VALUES([...])

The data.frame has dimensions:

[1] 148767    618

And has all columns formatted as character:

[1] TRUE

The error seems to stem from a string value being too long (Thanks @Hannes Mühleisen):

[1] 22001

[1] "value too long for type (var)char(255)"

How does MonetDB set upper bounds of new (VAR)CHAR variables (I did not find any info on upper bounds in the documentation)? Can a global upper bound be set or can the upper bound be set interactively when creating tables from R via MonetDB.R?


  • It might be a timeout issue (parameter to dbConnect()). If you'd like to debug, you can run


    before connecting. If you post the output here, I can give you a better idea what could be going wrong. Finally, have you tried looking at the output of




    Sorry for that, the reason for this is that dbWriteTable uses the wrong SQL type for character data. At the moment, a VARCHAR(255) is used, which is limited to 255 characters indeed. What it should use is STRING, which has no limits. It is noted as a bug and will be fixed in the next release. Since this might take a while, here is a workaround: If you install from source, you may fix this by changing

    setMethod("dbDataType", signature(dbObj="MonetDBConnection", obj = "ANY"), def=function(dbObj, obj, ...) {
            if (is.logical(obj)) "BOOLEAN"
            else if (is.integer(obj)) "INTEGER"
            else if (is.numeric(obj)) "DOUBLE PRECISION"
            else if (is.raw(obj)) "BLOB"
            else "VARCHAR(255)"
        }, valueClass = "character")


    setMethod("dbDataType", signature(dbObj="MonetDBConnection", obj = "ANY"), def=function(dbObj, obj, ...) {
            if (is.logical(obj)) "BOOLEAN"
            else if (is.integer(obj)) "INTEGER"
            else if (is.numeric(obj)) "DOUBLE PRECISION"
            else if (is.raw(obj)) "BLOB"
            else "STRING"
        }, valueClass = "character")

    in src/monetdb.R before installing the package using R CMD INSTALL. The R-forge builds will also be updated shortly, look for version 0.8.1 at