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Django model manager queryset filter on aware datetime: no item display until server restart

I have a Django model which has a publication_date and an is_published fields. I've created a manager for this model which returns all published items which means: every item that has is_published=True and publication_date <= now.

class PublishedTextManager(models.Manager):
        Filters out all unpublished items and items with a publication date in the future
    def get_query_set(self):
        return super(PublishedTextManager, self).get_query_set() \
            .filter(is_published=True) \

The view that's using this manager looks like this:

class NewsAndEventsOverView(ListView):

    model = News
    queryset = News.published.all().order_by('-publication_date')
    context_object_name = 'news_list'

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        # Initialize context and fill it with default data from NewsAndEventsOverView super class
        context = super(NewsAndEventsOverView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        # Add view specific context
        context['latest_news_item'] = context['news_list'][0]
        today =
        yesterday = today - timedelta(days=1)
        context['upcoming_events_list'] = Event.published.filter(Q(date_end__gt=yesterday) | Q(date_start__gt=yesterday)).order_by('date_start')
        past_events_list = Event.published.filter(Q(date_end__lt=today) | Q(date_start__lt=today)).order_by('-date_start')
        old_news_list = context['news_list'][1:]
        context['old_news_and_events_list'] = sorted(chain(old_news_list, past_events_list), key=lambda x: x.publication_date, reverse=True)
        return context


from .views import NewsAndEventsOverView

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    # Index page
    url(r'^$', NewsAndEventsOverView.as_view(), name="newsandevents_overview"),

When I add a news item by default it receives the current datetime ( as publication date, however when I refresh the page it doesn't display in the front-end until I do a server restart (using django built-in server a.t.m). I am in Amsterdam time (+2:00) and when I add 2 hours to the publication_date filter it works fine, so since I'm new to datetime awareness I'm guessing I'm doing something wrong. I've tried the with and without brackets, but that doesn't make a difference.


  • I've been running into a similar issue, and here's what I think is going on. When you use the queryset class attribute, the query gets run on each request, but the call within the Manager does not get run on each request, only at class instantiation. Try using the get_queryset method instead, which forces it to be run on each request:

    class NewsAndEventsOverView(ListView):
        model = News
        context_object_name = 'news_list'
        def get_queryset(self):
            return News.published.all().order_by('-publication_date')