I have a pretty fun problem, which I am not sure you can even solve using this approach.
I have some string, which is all lowercase. Let's just call it businesslaw. Now, I have an enum type, where the value is BusinessLaw.
What I want to do, is to convert the businesslaw string, into a BusinessLaw enum type.
Normally I would approach it by doing this:
return (EnumType) (Enum.Parse(typeof (EnumType), value));
However, that is not possible when there is some case difference.
How would you solve this issue? Or is it by nature, unsolveable?
You can use the overload of Enum.Parse
with a final parameter to indicate case-sensitivity:
return (EnumType) (Enum.Parse(typeof (EnumType), value, true));
There's a similar TryParse
However, bear in mind that there could be multiple enum values with the same name other than case:
public enum Awkward
You should probably avoid having such enum values if possible :)