I'm using the markov chain irc bot based on twisted. Socks proxy may be putty, listening on port 22. Adding the following code to the above client (at the top of the py file) didn't help:
import socks, socket
'localhost', 22)
socket.socket = socks.socksocket
Whereas, doing so solved the problem while using SimpleIRCClient from irclib, however irclib doesn't fit other requirements.
Thanks Jean-Paul Calderone. The following code worked for me.
from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ClientEndpoint
from txsocksx.client import SOCKS5ClientEndpoint
if __name__ == "__main__":
chan = "django-hotclub"
chain_length = 5
myID = sys.argv[1]
counterpartID = sys.argv[2]
puttyEndPoint = TCP4ClientEndpoint(reactor, '', 22)
ircEndpoint = SOCKS5ClientEndpoint('irc.freenode.net', 6667, puttyEndPoint)
d = ircEndpoint.connect(MomBotFactory('#' + chan, myID, counterpartID, chain_length, chattiness=0.05))