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I am using FBLogInView to implement FBLogin. loginViewFetchedUserInfo not getting called

I have spent several hours. Read up everything relevant I could find on the web, but haven't been able to resolve this. I am using FBLoginView per instructions provided in

I can see FBLogin button. I click on it. It logs me in. I see callbacks loginViewShowingLoggedInUser and loginViewShowingLoggedOutUser getting called. The problem is loginViewFetchedUserInfo not getting called. So, I am unable to get any information about the user (such as name, userID, email etc).

Here is the code I am using:

CGRect loginFrame=CGRectMake(MARGIN,currentFrame.size.height-LOGINBUTTONHEIGHT,50 , 20);//width, height don't matter
FBLoginView * FBLoginView1 = [[FBLoginView alloc] init];
FBLoginView1.readPermissions =    @[@"email",
FBLoginView1.frame = loginFrame;
FBLoginView1.delegate = self;
[[self view] addSubview:FBLoginView1];

[FBLoginView1 sizeToFit];


  • I found the solution. Actually, loginViewFetchedUserInfo is called after loginViewShowingLoggedInUser. I was not getting loginViewFetchedUserInfo because I was dismissing modalviewcontroller from loginViewShowingLoggedInUser. So, it was not around to get loginViewFetchedUserInfo. If I don't dismiss the modalviewcontroller, I get loginViewFetchedUserInfo.

    Here are the details of the solution. I am creating FBLoginView in ViewDidLoad of a LoginViewcontroller (name of the class I implemented). I set the delegate when I create FBLoginView (inside ViewDidLoad function) LoginViewController is presented using presentViewController function. The problem was happening because I was dismissing the view controller in loginViewShowingLoggedInUser. So it was not around to receive loginViewFetchedUserInfo ( loginViewFetchedUserInfo is called after loginViewShowingLoggedInUser).

    The solution that worked for me is to dismiss LoginViewcontroller from loginViewFetchedUserInfo.

    Hope the details helps others.