I have app where I am showing the latest conversation between two users.
For that I am using XML feeds data.
Let's say I have 25 rows in one XML and url goes like below.
When I click loadMore button, the link goes like below.
In this again I get 25 rows.
Now I have problem in displaying the data.
When I open the message, with startIndex=0, I am putting latest message at the bottom. Means I am getting data in below format.
4 hours ago...
3 hours ago...
2 hours ago...
44 mins ago...
Now when I click loadmore button (startIndex=0), I am appending the XML data in my feeds (NSMutableArray). But all the new chat come to down instead of at the top.
I understand this is happening because I am appening the data at the end.
Any idea how can I append the data at the start of the feed so that the message between two users goes properly in tableview?
In short, I already have the data in NSMutableArray (let' say of size 20). And I want to add some data (let's say of length 10).
So new data will be at position 0-9 and old data that was there at 0-19 will get shifted to 10-29 as new data is added.
Any idea how to do this?
First get data in NSMutableArray and reverse the objects of your Array by using below code:
reversedArray = [[theMutableArray reverseObjectEnumerator] allObjects];