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R: How to save lists into csv?

So im actually working on twitteR and i need a way to store my tweets into a csv file and pull it out when i need it . This is due to the idea i want to compile the tweets i collect and then apply them to my algorithms to do the calculations later. So , i thought of trying

            write.csv(tweets, file = "newfile", row.names = TRUE, sep = ',', col.names = TRUE)

which only works if create a data frame tho :/ . The tweets that i collect looks like this

 [1] "anonymous: boring!"

 [1] "anonymous: random message !"

.... ......

Any ideas?

Edited: my str(tweets) this is just 3 tweets i just pulled out

List of 3
 $ :Reference class 'status' [package "twitteR"] with 17 fields
  ..$ text         : chr "damn so many thing to settle @@"
  ..$ favorited    : logi FALSE
  ..$ favoriteCount: num 0
  ..$ replyToSN    : chr(0) 
  ..$ created      : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2013-10-11 14:15:59"
  ..$ truncated    : logi FALSE
  ..$ replyToSID   : chr(0) 
  ..$ id           : chr "388669309028798464"
  ..$ replyToUID   : chr(0) 
  ..$ statusSource : chr "web"
  ..$ screenName   : chr "ThisIsNapmi"
  ..$ retweetCount : num 0
  ..$ isRetweet    : logi FALSE
  ..$ retweeted    : logi FALSE
  ..$ longitude    : chr(0) 
  ..$ latitude     : chr(0) 
  ..$ urls         :'data.frame':   0 obs. of  4 variables:
  .. ..$ url         : chr(0) 
  .. ..$ expanded_url: chr(0) 
  .. ..$ dispaly_url : chr(0) 
  .. ..$ indices     : num(0) 
  ..and 50 methods, of which 38 are possibly relevant:
  ..  getCreated, getFavoriteCount, getFavorited, getId, getIsRetweet, getLatitude,
  ..  getLongitude, getReplyToSID, getReplyToSN, getReplyToUID, getRetweetCount, getRetweeted,
  ..  getRetweets, getScreenName, getStatusSource, getText, getTruncated, getUrls, initialize,
  ..  setCreated, setFavoriteCount, setFavorited, setId, setIsRetweet, setLatitude,
  ..  setLongitude, setReplyToSID, setReplyToSN, setReplyToUID, setRetweetCount, setRetweeted,
  ..  setScreenName, setStatusSource, setText, setTruncated, setUrls, toDataFrame,
  ..  toDataFrame#twitterObj
 $ :Reference class 'status' [package "twitteR"] with 17 fields
  ..$ text         : chr "@Neverush @asmafab"
  ..$ favorited    : logi FALSE
  ..$ favoriteCount: num 0
  ..$ replyToSN    : chr "Neverush"
  ..$ created      : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2013-10-11 12:55:04"
  ..$ truncated    : logi FALSE
  ..$ replyToSID   : chr "388647414808051712"
  ..$ id           : chr "388648948111392770"
  ..$ replyToUID   : chr "44332730"
  ..$ statusSource : chr "web"
  ..$ screenName   : chr "ThisIsNapmi"
  ..$ retweetCount : num 0
  ..$ isRetweet    : logi FALSE
  ..$ retweeted    : logi FALSE
  ..$ longitude    : chr(0) 
  ..$ latitude     : chr(0) 
  ..$ urls         :'data.frame':   1 obs. of  5 variables:
  .. ..$ url         : chr ""
  .. ..$ expanded_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ display_url : chr "…""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ start_index : num 19
  .. ..$ stop_index  : num 41
  ..and 50 methods, of which 38 are possibly relevant:
  ..  getCreated, getFavoriteCount, getFavorited, getId, getIsRetweet, getLatitude,
  ..  getLongitude, getReplyToSID, getReplyToSN, getReplyToUID, getRetweetCount, getRetweeted,
  ..  getRetweets, getScreenName, getStatusSource, getText, getTruncated, getUrls, initialize,
  ..  setCreated, setFavoriteCount, setFavorited, setId, setIsRetweet, setLatitude,
  ..  setLongitude, setReplyToSID, setReplyToSN, setReplyToUID, setRetweetCount, setRetweeted,
  ..  setScreenName, setStatusSource, setText, setTruncated, setUrls, toDataFrame,
  ..  toDataFrame#twitterObj
 $ :Reference class 'status' [package "twitteR"] with 17 fields
  ..$ text         : chr "@Neverush @asmafab nasi lemak bumbung ? ahahahaha"
  ..$ favorited    : logi FALSE
  ..$ favoriteCount: num 0
  ..$ replyToSN    : chr "Neverush"
  ..$ created      : POSIXct[1:1], format: "2013-10-11 12:34:39"
  ..$ truncated    : logi FALSE
  ..$ replyToSID   : chr "388643321108631552"
  ..$ id           : chr "388643810613264384"
  ..$ replyToUID   : chr "44332730"
  ..$ statusSource : chr "web"
  ..$ screenName   : chr "ThisIsNapmi"
  ..$ retweetCount : num 0
  ..$ isRetweet    : logi FALSE
  ..$ retweeted    : logi FALSE
  ..$ longitude    : chr(0) 
  ..$ latitude     : chr(0) 
  ..$ urls         :'data.frame':   0 obs. of  4 variables:
  .. ..$ url         : chr(0) 
  .. ..$ expanded_url: chr(0) 
  .. ..$ dispaly_url : chr(0) 
  .. ..$ indices     : num(0) 
  ..and 50 methods, of which 38 are possibly relevant:
  ..  getCreated, getFavoriteCount, getFavorited, getId, getIsRetweet, getLatitude,
  ..  getLongitude, getReplyToSID, getReplyToSN, getReplyToUID, getRetweetCount, getRetweeted,
  ..  getRetweets, getScreenName, getStatusSource, getText, getTruncated, getUrls, initialize,
  ..  setCreated, setFavoriteCount, setFavorited, setId, setIsRetweet, setLatitude,
  ..  setLongitude, setReplyToSID, setReplyToSN, setReplyToUID, setRetweetCount, setRetweeted,
  ..  setScreenName, setStatusSource, setText, setTruncated, setUrls, toDataFrame,
  ..  toDataFrame#twitterObj


  • Not tested, but from what I've read online, it seems like the following should work:

    1. Convert the list to a data.frame

      tweets.df = ldply(tweets, function(t) t$toDataFrame())
    2. Use write.csv as before, but just on the tweets.df object instead of the tweets object.

      write.csv(tweets.df, file = "newfile.csv")

    Sources: Here and here. See also: ?"status-class".