I am new to python. I would like to make this part of the variables shared across the functions.
publist = []
publication = {"pubid" : 1, "title" : 2, "year" : 3, "pubtype" : 4, "pubkey" :5}
article = False
book = False
inproceeding = False
incollection = False
pubidCounter = 0
Where do i place the variables in these. I have tried placing it as shown below but it says there is an error with indendation. However, placing them outside returns an error too of indentation.
import xml.sax
class ABContentHandler(xml.sax.ContentHandler):
publist = []
publication = {"pubid" : 1, "title" : 2, "year" : 3, "pubtype" : 4, "pubkey" :5}
article = False
book = False
inproceeding = False
incollection = False
pubidCounter = 0
def __init__(self):
def startElement(self, name, attrs):
if name == "incollection":
incollection = true
publication["pubkey"] = attrs.getValue("pubkey")
pubidCounter += 1
if(name == "title" and incollection):
publication["pubtype"] = "incollection"
def endElement(self, name):
if name == "incollection":
publication["pubid"] = pubidCounter
incollection = False
#def characters(self, content):
def main(sourceFileName):
source = open(sourceFileName)
xml.sax.parse(source, ABContentHandler())
if __name__ == "__main__":
When placing them like that you define them as local for the class, thus you need to retrieve them through self
def startElement(self, name, attrs):
if name == "incollection":
self.incollection = true
self.publication["pubkey"] = attrs.getValue("pubkey")
self.pubidCounter += 1
if(name == "title" and incollection):
self.publication["pubtype"] = "incollection"
If you would rather for them to be global, you should define them outside the class