Ok, I am trying to develop a small plugin for gimp that makes a bitmap font. For some reason now that I added the following code it won't work.
current_cell_x = 0
current_cell_y = 0
x_pos = current_cell_x * cwidth
y_pos = current_cell_y * cheight
x_pos += cwidth / 2.0
y_pos += cheight / 2.0
x_pos -= text_layer.width / 2.0
y_pos -= text_layer.height / 2.0
Even just the first line with 'current_cell_x = 0' is enough to make the entire plugin not work.
Here is all the code in a working format:
from gimpfu import *
def create_font(cwidth, cheight, xcells, ycells, font, size, color) :
char_begin = 32
char_end = 127
num_chars = char_end - char_begin
#current_cell_x = 0
#current_cell_y = 0
# Figure out total width & height
twidth = int(cwidth * xcells)
theight = int(cheight * ycells)
# Create Image
img = gimp.Image(twidth, theight, RGB)
# Save the current foreground color:
# Set the text color & background color
gimp.set_background(0, 0, 0)
# Create All Layers & Position Accordingly
for i in range(char_begin, char_end):
string = '%c' % i
offset = i - char_begin
text_layer = pdb.gimp_text_fontname(img, None, 0, 0, string, -1, True, size, PIXELS, font)
#x_pos = current_cell_x * cwidth
#y_pos = current_cell_y * cheight
#x_pos += cwidth / 2.0
#y_pos += cheight / 2.0
#x_pos -= text_layer.width / 2.0
#y_pos -= text_layer.height / 2.0
# Create a new image window
# Show the new image window
# Restore the old foreground color:
"Bitmap Font",
"Create a new bitmap font",
"Bitmap Font (Py)...",
"", # Create a new image, don't work on an existing one
(PF_SPINNER, "cwidth", "Cell Width", 24, (1, 3000, 1)),
(PF_SPINNER, "cheight", "Cell Height", 51, (1, 3000, 1)),
(PF_SPINNER, "xcells", "Cells on X axis", 10, (1, 3000, 1)),
(PF_SPINNER, "ycells", "Cells on Y axis", 10, (1, 3000, 1)),
(PF_FONT, "font", "Font face", "Consolas"),
(PF_SPINNER, "size", "Font size", 50, (1, 3000, 1)),
(PF_COLOR, "color", "Text color", (1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
create_font, menu="<Image>/File/Create")
However, when I un-comment lines 9 - 10 & lines 33 - 40 I get the following errors.
I wanted my final code to look something like this:
def create_font(cwidth, cheight, xcells, ycells, font, size, color) :
char_begin = 32
char_end = 127
num_chars = char_end - char_begin
current_cell_x = 0
current_cell_y = 0
# Figure out total width & height
twidth = int(cwidth * xcells)
theight = int(cheight * ycells)
# Create Image
img = gimp.Image(twidth, theight, RGB)
# Save the current foreground color:
# Set the text color & background color
gimp.set_background(0, 0, 0)
# Create All Layers & Position Accordingly
for i in range(char_begin, char_end):
string = '%c' % i
text_layer = pdb.gimp_text_fontname(img, None, 0, 0, string, -1, True, size, PIXELS, font)
pdb.plug_in_autocrop_layer(0, img, text_layer)
x_pos = float(current_cell_x * cwidth)
y_pos = float(current_cell_y * cheight)
x_pos += float(cwidth) / 2.0
y_pos += float(cheight) / 2.0
x_pos -= float(text_layer.width) / 2.0
y_pos -= float(text_layer.height) / 2.0
text_layer.translate(x_pos, y_pos)
#Set current cell
current_cell_x += 1
if current_cell_x > xcells:
current_cell_x = 0
current_cell_y += 1
if current_cell_y > ycells:
gimp.progress_update(float(offset) / float(num_chars))
#pdb.gimp_image_flatten(img) # Don't do this
# Create a new image window
# Show the new image window
# Restore the old foreground color:
If you see any suggestions as far as that goes, I wouldn't mind.
Note: Got my code from - https://github.com/sole/snippets/blob/master/gimp/generate_bitmap_font/sole_generate_bitmap_font.py and http://gimpbook.com/scripting/
Ran 'python -tt plugin.py' and got the following:
I had inconsistent indentation I needed to go to Settings>Preferences>Language Menu/Tab Settings>Tab Settings and then check Replace by space.
Then I needed to run
python -tt yourscript.py
Which allowed me to get rid of all the indention errors that were caused by my edior.
I also used reindent.py from the Python33/Tools/Scripts folder, but it did not work for me. It may have helped in someway I did not see.
Matthias was halfway right, but he did not submit an answer. I am doing that in his place.