I am working on a number of projects simultaneously. Each project has a Subversion repository. The repositories are not all hosted on the same server. When I start my day, I find myself having to do an svn update
for each of the individual projects.
My local working copies are all stored under one parent directory Projects.
My question: Is there a command that can be issued from the Projects directory that will search for working copies among the descendants in the file system and issue an svn update
command for each of them?
I'm on Ubuntu with Subversion version 1.7.5.
cd to Projects and then:
svn up `ls -d ./*`
(note those are backticks, not single quotes.)
svn will happily skip non-svn dirs.
You could add an alias in your .bashrc
alias up-svn='svn up `ls -d ./*`'