I am building out a Redis server side script and my lack of Lua experience has me a little stuck.
Essentially have a large "main" sorted set (containing ~1,000 values) which I want to remove any keys found in a smaller "remove" set (containing ~100 values). Think sdiffstore but with the member scores in the "main" set being important.
A simple example:
ZADD main 6 "one"
ZADD main 7 "two"
ZADD main 8 "three"
ZADD main 9 "four"
ZADD main 10 "five"
ZADD remove "two"
ZADD remove "four"
desired output (stored in a sorted set):
6 "one"
8 "three"
10 "five"
So on the lua server side script:
--This works
redis.call('zrem','main', 'two','four')
--This doesn't
local temp = redis.call('smembers','remove')
redis.call('zrem','main', temp )
I have tried a number of iterations of my syntax to no avail. Any ideas?
I hope to avoid converting the "remove" members into some sort of string or loop though and removing one member at a time.
If I correctly understand your problem, you should be able to use the unpack
local temp = redis.call('smembers','remove')
redis.call('zrem','main', unpack(temp))
will "unpack" the table into it's members.