I'm using restFB and trying to search public posts which contain the keyword I desire. For the following code, that keyword is "flu":
public class JavaApplication3 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
FacebookClient facebookClient = new DefaultFacebookClient("ACCESS TOKEN");
Connection<Post> publicSearch = facebookClient.fetchConnection(
"search", Post.class,
Parameter.with("q", "flu"), Parameter.with("type", "post")
int size=publicSearch.getData().size();
for(int i=0;i<size;i++){
System.out.println("Message: " + publicSearch.getData().get(i).getMessage());
But this code returns very few posts, just 3-4. Same is the case with every keyword. Atmost it returns 25 posts. that's it. Is there another way?
You Should use https://graph.facebook.com/search?q=QUERY&type=OBJECT_TYPE instead for the following Problemm