How does one ignore lines in a file?
If you know that the first lines in a file will begin with say, a or b and the remainder of lines end with c, how does one parse the file so that lines beginning a or b are ignored and lines ending c are converted to a nested list?
What I have so far:
fname = raw_input('Enter file name: ')
z = open(fname, 'r')
#I tried this but it converts all lines to a nested list
z_list = [i.strip().split() for i in z]
I am guessing that I need a for loop.
for line in z:
if line[0] == 'a':
if line[0] == 'b':
if line[-1] == 'c':
list_1 = [line.strip().split()]
The above is the general idea but I am expert at making dead code! How does one render it undead?
startswith can take a tuple of strings to match, so you can do this:
[line.strip().split() for line in z if not line.startswith(('a', 'b'))]
This will work even if a and b are words or sentences not just characters. If there can be cases where lines don't start with a or b but also don't end with c you can extend the list comprehension to this:
for line in z if line.endswith('c') and not line.startswith(('a', 'b'))