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Sitecore - No App Pool Recycle

I am having a rather time-consuming issue with the Sitecore CMS.

Is it possible to shorten the time it takes for the application pool to recycle every time a change is made in the bin folder or web.config?

It takes the server 2 to 5 minutes to respond right after a change.

Any ideas?


  • There is one article from alex shyba from sitecore here on Reducing Sitecore Startup time

    Summary of article is

    • In machine.config: disable process to check assembly signed
        <generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false"/>
    • Disable performance counters in Sitecore web.config
    <setting name="Counters.Enabled" value="false" />

    There are plenty of articles on the improving sitecore performance I have listed few links below: