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Create new Excel process with COM (pywin32)

I am trying to use COM / pywin32 to create an autonomous and invisible Excel process that is different from the one currently running.

If I use the code below while an Excel window is already open, it will make the former invisible. I presume this is because it just accesses the same process.

from win32com.client import Dispatch
excel =  Dispatch('Excel.Application')
excel.Visible = False

The reason I need this, is because I would like to scrape a different Excel file in the background without affecting the current work. Plus, I don't know how to only close one of the processes.

If you are going to suggest a new library, I would also like to know how to handle this in COM.


  • excel = win32.DispatchEx('Excel.Application')

    also if you wan to manipulate excel files try