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Detect shake event in app background iOS7

This was always impossible in iOS6 and below however with the new multitasking API's etc in iOS7 I was wondering if it has become possible. I am developing an app that is for personal security... The user needs to be able to trigger an "an" inside of the app when in background mode... The shake function would be the best approach however so far it seems impossible..

Any help would be greatly appreciated. T


  • The background tasking feature is not what you think. Apple heavily regulates it's use. You're probably thinking of the new iOS 7 background feature called "Background fetch". You can count on being activated for partial background execution as a batch job every few hours.

    The new background fetch feature is to be used when: "The app regularly downloads and processes small amounts of content from the network."

    This will let you update the state of your app in the background so that the new iOS 7 multitasking feature lets you see an updated state of the app in that view. There is no iOS 7 background state that does what you want.