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Batch file, the if statement I believe is not working. Goto error

Here's a simple batch file I made up. Get user input to create a duplicate of every batch file with a different extension. It works, but I'm having problems with my help flag

If the user doesn't input anything, I want to display a message. But I get an error saying there is an issue with the goto method.

@ECHO off
REM Backup.bat, 10/10/2013, Josh Barber

echo Choose an extension
Set /P var= Enter a file extension:

if %var% == "" goto help
copy H:\Lab5\*.bat H:\Lab5\*.%var% 

goto end


echo Please choose a file extension


echo Process complete



  • @ECHO off
    REM Backup.bat, 10/10/2013, Josh Barber
    echo Choose an extension
    Set /P var= Enter a file extension:
    if "%var%" == "" goto help
    copy H:\Lab5\*.bat H:\Lab5\*.%var% 
    goto end
    echo Please choose a file extension
    goto :end
    echo Process complete

    Use quotes or if defined var .When %var% has no value you are executing if == "" which has wrong syntax.