I am trying to use delete_management to delete files in a gdb based on whether or not they are in a list. I keep getting an error with the delete_management tool that says the file either does not exist or is not valid. I can't figure out what the problem is?
import arcpy, os, easygui, sys
mxd_path = easygui.enterbox("Enter directory where mxds are located:",title='Search for Data Sources')
lyr_lst = []
lyr_lst_files = []
fl_nm_lst = []
FCList = []
RList =[]
#out_loc = easygui.enterbox("Enter ouput directory for copying files:")
out_loc = r'C:\GIS\Assimilate_Mxd_Data\Assimilate_Mxd_Data_TESTING\Output Data\test_output.gdb'
#set mxd and output geodatabase directory paths, exit if not specified
if mxd_path == None or mxd_path == '':
if out_loc == None or out_loc == '':
#generate a list of feature classes and a list of rasters already exist in
#output geodatabase
for gdb, fd, fc in arcpy.da.Walk(out_loc,datatype='FeatureClass'):
for f in fc:
for gdb, fd, rasters in arcpy.da.Walk(out_loc,datatype='RasterDataset'):
for rstr in rasters:
#walk through mxds in mxd path and generate unique list of layers sourced in all
#mxd documents
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(mxd_path):
for filename in filenames:
fullPath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
basename, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
if extension == ".mxd":
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(fullPath)
LyrList = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd)
for item in LyrList:
if item.supports("DATASOURCE"):
lyr_lst_unique = list(set(lyr_lst))
#retrieve file names without extension from unique mxd layers lists, to compare
#with contents of output gdb
for lyr in lyr_lst_unique:
path, file = os.path.split(lyr)
fl_nm = os.path.splitext(file)[0]
#compare file names in lyr_list_unique to lists of feature classes and rasters that
#already exist in output gdb. If file names are not in FCList and RList, meaning
#they do not already exist in the gdb, copy files to output gfb
if fl_nm not in FCList and fl_nm not in RList:
print 'Input file ' + lyr + ' is not a feature class'
print 'Input file ' + lyr + ' is not a feature class or a raster'
#compare file names in fl_nm_list to lists of feature classes and rasters that
#already exist in output gdb. If files exist in gdb that are not found in mxd
#unique layers list, delete
for gdb, fd, fc in arcpy.da.Walk(out_loc):
for f in fc:
if f not in fl_nm_lst:
My guess (I can't test this) is that f
isn't the full path, so arcpy.Delete_management(f)
is seeking the file in the working directory (which is probably not your gdb
The documentation for arcpy.da.Walk
Yields a tuple of three that includes the workspace, directory names, and file names
(dirpath, dirnames, and filenames)
.`dirpath` is the path to the workspace as a string. `dirnames` is a list of names of subdirectories and other workspaces in `dirpath`. `filenames` is a list of names of non-workspace contents in `dirpath`.
Names in the lists include only the base name; no path components are included. To get a full path (which begins with top) to a file or directory in
, doos.path.join(dirpath, name)
So following that advice, I'd say use:
A good way to find this type of bug is to just print the filenames that you're looking for:
for gdb, fd, fc in arcpy.da.Walk(out_loc):
for f in fc:
print "checking whether to keep", f
if not any(f in fl_nm for fl_nm in fl_nm_lst):
to_del = os.path.join(gdb,f)
print "deleting", to_del
print "keeping", f