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Boiler plate code replacement - is there anything bad about this code?

I've recently created these two (unrelated) methods to replace lots of boiler-plate code in my winforms application. As far as I can tell, they work ok, but I need some reassurance/advice on whether there are some problems I might be missing.

(from memory)

static class SafeInvoker
    //Utility to avoid boiler-plate InvokeRequired code
    //Usage: SafeInvoker.Invoke(myCtrl, () => myCtrl.Enabled = false);
    public static void Invoke(Control ctrl, Action cmd)
        if (ctrl.InvokeRequired)
            ctrl.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(cmd));

    //Replaces OnMyEventRaised boiler-plate code
    //Usage: SafeInvoker.RaiseEvent(this, MyEventRaised)
    public static void RaiseEvent(object sender, EventHandler evnt)
        var handler = evnt;
        if (handler != null)
            handler(sender, EventArgs.Empty);

EDIT: See related question here


Following on from deadlock problems (related in this question), I have switched from Invoke to BeginInvoke (see an explanation here).

Another Update

Regarding the second snippet, I am increasingly inclined to use the 'empty delegate' pattern, which fixes this problem 'at source' by declaring the event directly with an empty handler, like so:

event EventHandler MyEventRaised = delegate {};


  • This is good stuff. Make them extension methods though to clean up your code a little more. For example:

    //Replaces OnMyEventRaised boiler-plate code
    //Usage: SafeInvoker.RaiseEvent(this, MyEventRaised)
    public static void Raise(this EventHandler eventToRaise, object sender)
                EventHandler eventHandler = eventToRaise;
                if (eventHandler != null)
                    eventHandler(sender, EventArgs.Empty);

    Now on your events you can call: myEvent.Raise(this);