I have the following query. In it I'm doing a Take(2100) to avoid the 2100 rpc limit imposed.
var query =
from result in staging_sparc_sophis_trade.AsQueryable()
where deals.Take(2100).Contains(result.TRADE_ID)
select new traded_product()
Deal = result.TRADE_ID,
CostCentre = result.FTP_COSTCTR,
InvolvedPartyId = R_GEN_002(result.hsbc_source_system_instance, "", result.CNPTY_ACRONYM
What I want to know is, is there a way I can remove the Take(2100) part and replace it with a lambda statement in the Deal line to check if the deal is in the list (deals) I'm searching for?
I have found 2 ways round the problem. Solution 1. If I run the query on the SqlServer physical machine directly, the problem does not occur.
Do the filtering in the next part: Remove the "Where clause"
var query =
from result in staging_sparc_sophis_trade.AsQueryable()
--where deals.Take(2100).Contains(result.TRADE_ID)
select new traded_product()
Deal = result.TRADE_ID,
CostCentre = result.FTP_COSTCTR,
InvolvedPartyId = R_GEN_002(result.hsbc_source_system_instance, "", result.CNPTY_ACRONYM
Add the filtering part in this part of your code. It runs a bit slower, but still does the trick. I think it runs slower because I'm searching the full list in every single itteration.
foreach (var result in query)
if (!deals.contains(result.TRADE_ID))