I have a FINDSTR that looks like this:
lots of stuff here | FINDSTR ro.redacted.version.release=
it outputs:
FINDSTR does not play very well with regex, I have tried just about everything that an in-depth Google search throws at me with no luck. Does any one know a way to get the
as output instead of
Some background: This is part of a VBA inside Excel, it opens cmd, uses ADB to pull build version from a phone and then uses that data to do other stuff. Everything else is up and running, so I'd rather not change approach if avoidable.
Findstr is a simple 'show the text' program with no way to extract part of a line.
Findstr is also buggy in many ways - there is a good page by dbenham on all the issues.
You can use a for /F
command to extract parts of the line. Knowing the exact text in the line up until the part that you want is important - if there is an equals sign between the two parts (and no other equals sign before that) then it's straightforward.
for /f "tokens=1,* delims==" %%a in ('findstr "ro.redacted.version.release=" "c:\folder\file.txt" ') do echo "%%b"