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How To Register Generic Repository With SimpleIOC

How can I register generic Repository with SimpleIOC?

  public interface IRepository<T>


  public class Repository<T> : IRepository<T>


  SimpleIoc.Default.Register<IRepository, Repository>(); //Doesn't work, throws error

 Error  1   Using the generic type 'AdminApp.Repository.IRepository<TModel>' requires 1 type arguments  C:\Application Development\AdminApp\AdminApp.Desktop\ViewModel\ViewModelLocator.cs  55  44  AdminApp.Desktop

I Also tried:

    SimpleIoc.Default.Register<IRepository<>, Repository<>>(); //Doesn't work either
     Error  1   Only assignment, call, increment, decrement, await, and new object expressions can be used as a statement   C:\Application Development\AdminApp\AdminApp.Desktop\ViewModel\ViewModelLocator.cs  55  17  AdminApp.Desktop


  • I don't believe that GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Ioc.SimpleIoc (source code) supports open generic implementations. You would need to create closed implementations and register each of them separately:

    public interface IRepository<T> where T : class { }
    public class A { }
    public class B { }
    public class RepositoryA : IRepository<A> { }
    public class RepositoryB : IRepository<B> { }
    SimpleIoc.Default.Register<IRepository<A>, RepositoryA>();
    SimpleIoc.Default.Register<IRepository<B>, RepositoryB>();

    I suggest you consider moving to a more mature library such as SimpleInjector which has extensive support for generics.

    The code for SimpleInjector would be as simple as:

    container.RegisterOpenGeneric(typeof(IRepository<>), typeof(Repository<>));