I was wondering if it's possible to Abort (the dirty way) a thread using the threads name? here's some example code:
public void blah() {
int TableID = 4; //set by the using at runtime
Thread myThread = new Thread(() => beginUser(picture));
myThread.Name = Convert.ToString(TableID);
So now I have created a thread. Later in the program the user may end a thread, there is where my question comes in. How can I end a thread via it's name? or perhaps another way to end it? I don't want to use backround worker.
example: myThead[4].Abort();
Why not simply use a dictionary to store threadname to thread mapping and just kill from wherever you want.
Dictionary<string, Thread> threadDictionary = new Dictionary<string, Thread>();
Thread myThread = new Thread(() => beginUser(picture));
myThread.Name = Convert.ToString(TableID);
threadDictionary.Add("threadOne", myThread);