I'm trying to set the instance variable of a child component from it's parent component inside a callback. Using the debugger I can see that the instance variable is set correctly in the callback, but on rendering the child component, the child component does not reflect the changes made.
So, is it illegal to modify a component's state from another component in seaside or am I doing something else wrong?
Example code:
MyParentComponent>> initialize
super initialize.
child := MyChildComponent new.
MyParentComponent>> renderContentOn: html
html render: child.
html anchor
callback: [
child property: 'Something'.
] ; with 'Navigate'.
MyParentComponent>> children
^ Array with: child
After a little experimenting, I found the problem. In one of the rendering methods, I was creating a new component each time the page was rendered instead of reusing the one created in the initialize
That other component was used for navigation, where I set which main component was to be displayed based on the menu chosen.
So apparently, modifying state is not illegal in Seaside.